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SRSoftware delivers products and solutions that advance our customer's competitive position and customer relationship value SRSoftware creates next generation one-to-one and one-to-many customer relationships with marketers of all sizes. Across devices, platforms, and media. SRSoftware will help you reinvent your customer relationships, or invent a whole new way of interacting with them.

SRSoftware is positioning itself as one of leaders in the Collaborative computing and data Sharing technologies. Our product line of application software in Virtual collaboration and CRM tools will enable distant networks to work as one seamless network, when users can share their work and thoughts and talk to each other in real time on IP networks using advanced tools developed by SRSoftware. 

For Media Members

An Atlas on Indian Economy
A complete user-friendly
collaborative server and client.
C-CRM...A complete collaborative CRM for sales and support infrastructure
A diary for a busy doctor...
Choice of Every Doctor.
Every Attorney needs one.
Industry Specific...
Service and Inventory Management System.
Corporate Brochure

Services' Brochure